National Inclusion Week (NIW) is a week dedicated to celebrating inclusion and taking action to create inclusive workplaces. This year's National Inclusion week takes place this week 23rd September to 29th September, and the theme for 2024 is ‘Impact Matters’, a call-to-action to everyone in your organisation, from leaders, to inclusion professionals through to teams and individuals.
To celebrate National Inclusion Week, individuals who have come into the Civil Service via GFiE Schemes share their personal experience of what impact these opportunities have had for them.
“I was in the Royal Air Force for 30 years reaching Flight Sergeant, I was not having much luck finding a new career with lots of uncertainty in what I actually wanted to do.
I trawled websites daily trying to find something I was interested in. I had tried the Civil Service a few times but was unsuccessful, I did reach the interview stage but was not selected. I was coming towards the end of my resettlement period so was starting to panic a little when I came across the GFiE Veterans program. I submitted my CV as per instructions then I was contacted to say 2 areas were interested in taking me on; recognising the transferable qualifications I had in training, management and mental health and wellbeing.
I attended the informal interview which was not what I was expecting. I sat on camera in a suit, it was like a game of top trumps both areas describing their roles and why they were interested in taking me on. I immediately felt very relaxed listening to them and then was sent to deliberate which area or if it was suitable for me.
With the end of my resettlement only weeks away HMRC staff worked tirelessly to get all admin complete and in time for me to start with them on the 4th Jan 2022. The staff involved and my new managers made the transition from military to civil servant seamless, welcoming, and extremely easy.
Two years in; I am absolutely loving my new role. There is a lot of opportunities for promotion or internal swaps and would highly recommend working with HMRC.”
Mark - HMRC Risk Intelligence Service Analysis
GFiE Scheme: Life Chance scheme for Veterans and Military Spouses/Partner
"I have been working at a Jobcentre and have learned a great deal about office work as my previous jobs had all been working from home.
It has been a pleasure working with colleagues such as my line manager and learning more about the Civil Service and its inner workings. At every point I felt welcome and was encouraged to seek additional support whenever I felt it was necessary to do so. I fully believe that my input and work has been improved immeasurably by the open and inclusive environment fostered by everybody at the Jobcentre.
I have gained a variety of skills from my time here, such as increased knowledge of Microsoft Excel and knowledge of how to create posters and newsletters, as well as knowledge on our relationships with non-profit organisations based in the United States, which has given me an appreciation of the Civil Service and the DWP dedication to help people across the UK find work and receive the benefits they are eligible for. The experience has been a pleasure."
Sam - Department for Work and Pensions
GFiE Scheme: GFiE Scheme for Autistic People
"When we first recruited our DEFRA WorkFit colleagues, the staff from WorkFit helped us to assess our roles and their suitability for the scheme. They also conducted training for our current staff to help us learn how to work best with candidates from the scheme.
The inclusion of a WorkFit colleague has brought my team much closer together, as well as improving the relationship between our team and our customers. The Down’s Syndrome Association was so supportive and made it really easy for us. "
Line Manager - Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs
GFiE Scheme: DEFRA Workfit
"There aren’t many sixteen-year-olds that have a job within the Civil Service, fortunately I am one of the few who do thanks to the Social Mobility Apprenticeship programme.
I was an average schoolgirl wondering where life was going to take me after my exams, fast forward 6 months and I am working full time in an office, gaining so many life skills, building my confidence, expanding my knowledge, and most importantly maturing. This apprenticeship has grown and improved every aspect of myself and my life too.
I have benefited in unlimited amounts of ways from being a part of this Programme, financially, mentally, and functionally. I have made friends from a range of age groups rather than confiding just to my own age, I have the finances and work pattern flexibility to go places with friends and family.
It's safe to say I’ve had nothing but positive impacts from the Apprenticeship, I’ve comfortably eased myself into the working life and can’t wait to see how far I’ll go. "
Mailise - Department for Work and Pensions
GFiE Scheme: DWP Social Mobility Apprenticeship

"Each day is different, I could be delivering training one day or in meetings the next. Although I predominately work from home, I do travel around the region and beyond for meetings and to deliver training.
The scheme has helped me align to who I am. To live beyond what happened to me whilst also supporting others with their journey. I've managed to attend Ministerial Events where I spoke about my journey and delivered a presentation to an audience of 200 people.
What I enjoy most about my roles is being part of the change. Using my natural flare for people to engage with others whilst serving the community at large. Our Team received the Inspire Justice Award for being the best Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Initiative.
If you are considering applying for a role via GFiE then my advice would be to go for it. It is a starting point to your greatest potential."
Julie - HM Prison and Probation Services
GFiE Life Chance Scheme for People with Convictions
"Every week has brought different challenges and the chance to learn and grow – for both myself and the individual I line manage.
As a manager I’ve found the opportunity stretching both professionally and personally, but also highly rewarding to work with someone kick-starting their career and life journey. I’m glad we made use of the Care Leavers Internship scheme and can confidently say we’ve made a positive difference to each other."
Gregor - Line Manager at Scottish Government
GFiE Scheme - DfE Care Leavers Internship Scheme
Going Forward into Employment (GFiE) Schemes
If you want to know more about our other GFiE Life Chance Schemes, or are a Government department and would like to discuss providing life changing opportunities to individuals through use of the schemes for vacancies you have coming up, please get in contact with the GfiE Team at
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